Wednesday, December 5, 2007

10 Year End To Do's

(Are we there?)

#1 - Tax Readiness: Sell the losers to offset postive capital gains, make an extra mortgage payment, confirm tax withholding and W2 details.
MarketWatch has 5 Tax Saving Strategies
CNNMoney offers Year-end Tax Saving Strategies

#2 - Charitable Contributions: Beyond tax consequences, charitable contributions also help to reduce clutter and after all tis the season to give. Remember to keep receipts and appropriate documentation of your contributions.
A Case For Giving
Make Giving Easy

#3 - House Check: Winter is here and that means time to check for leaks and cracks around doors and windows. One of the biggest culprits for lost energy and higher heating bills is poorly insulated doors and windows. Check out the article below for more tips on winterizing your house. presents Winterizing Your Home

#4 - Car Check: Check tires and battery. Keep a winter emergency kit in your car (I keep a blanket, foldable shovel, flashlight, straps and reflective emergency strips).
Road & Travel offers Winter Car Care

#5 - Vacation Time: Many companies have use-it or lose-it rules for accrued time off. If you have to take time off - what are you waiting for.
Vacation Ideas from Travel Channel
Yahoo has Ten Trips on Travelling Cheaply

#6 - Annual Performance Check: Hopefully you have been keeping track of your accomplishments at work and progress during the year. Annual reviews are fast approaching - make sure you are ready with all the details.
Holiday Hiring - Stay Active

#7 - Flexible Spending Health Care Account: Same concept - use-it or lose-it. If you need to incur some health care expenses to claim the money accrued in your flexible spending health care account - now is the time.
USAToday presents Get A Grip On Your Flexible Spending Account

#8 - Budget: If you don't have a holiday budget - make one. If you have a holiday budget - don't blow it. Follow some smart budgeting rules and avoid a financial meltdown.
Compelled To Shop
Getting Ready for the Holidays

#9 - Diet: Yeah - food is everywhere and it's tempting. Indulge but in moderation. Keep up your workout routine. Taking a day off here and there is fine but skipping for longer duration makes it more difficult to get back into the routine.
How to Survive Holiday Parties on a Calorie Budget!

#10 - Enjoy: Spend time with friends and family. Take some time off. Reflect on your life. Help others. Have fun.

Other Year-End Tips/Reading
Trim Expenses While You Trim the Tree
Yahoo Finance - Stop Singing Those Holiday Spending Blues

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