Sunday, July 12, 2009

Considerations Before You Depart ...

A little inspiration please ...
Value proposition, market differentiation and exceptional customer service were some of the fancy terms tossed around during a recent meet & greet the new leadership team. Most of the audience, traumatized by the recent layoffs and benefit cuts had no choice but to sit through two hours of uninspiring leadership banter. The level of disengagment and lack of motivation was choking the room but the leaders kept droning on and on ...

Do you give up?
That is the easy choice but not the solution. Give up for what? Unless you are switching industry, career or culture - giving up is paramount to switching your circumstances with the same result.

This too will pass
Sage advice if the situation is temporary. Bad bosses, collegues and assignment are all time bound and if you can stick it out - good (or maybe more reasonable) times will be back.

What do you control?
Do you want to change the world? We all do but are limited by our sphere of influence. You can change what you control or have some sway over. In the corporate environment - it behooves you to ponder what you can realistically influence and then give that your 100%. Rest is gossip and idle meandering.

Make a deliberate change
And finally - if you want out, make it happen. Research, plan, prepare and then execute your exit. Opportunities abound and success awaits those who pursue it.

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